понедельник, 29 февраля 2016 г.

Hello! Are you ready? Then - the first task for you. The members of each team (5 teams are taking part in the project: 2 teams from School №1, 1 - from School №2, Dubscoe school and Ichalki school) have to answer 18 questions of the Quiz "He was not of an age, but for all time". It doesn't have to be 1 member of your team who will do the work. You may do it together and give 1 answer, or some people may give some answers - in any case we will score your best one. The only compulsory requirement - you must not do it during your lessons-time. The link to the Quiz will be active for 2 days: today and tomorrow. Hope, you will learn something new about William Shakespeare (or it'll make you learn something new))). Good luck!
The Quiz

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